Gov Sakaja, Create a Hotline for PWDs in Public Hospitals in Nairobi

 Why this petition matters

As narrated by  Josephine Mwende

It is every woman’s great desire to have a child or children of their own and enjoy the exciting journey of motherhood. Despite having cerebral palsy, I was over the moon when I learnt that I was expecting a baby, finally, God had remembered me and answered my prayers.

Then came the time for delivery, I was met with a rude shock when I got rejected from one hospital to another. I recall very well a female Doctor telling my mum upon arrival at the hospital that "WE DON'T HANDLE SUCH PEOPLE" this really broke my heart. Moving from one hospital to another in labor pains was quite an horrifying experience. Fear, anxiety and depression started to sink in, a gift from God was becoming a burden, with teary eyes, I looked up at the sky and asked God why this was happening to me.

A breakthrough came when Kenyatta National hospital finally agreed to take me in and help me deliver my baby. 

Women with cerebral palsy go through a rough time during this beautiful journey, they get rejected, abused and even in some cases have personal decisions of whether they should carry their child to term made on their behalf. 

Link to the petition: PETITION

There is a general misconception that women with cerebral palsy cannot or should not bear children because they risk giving birth to a child with cerebral palsy or mis-care for the child.

Every time I look at my son, Gift, I tell myself that no woman should go through the pain, rejection and humiliation that I went through, that every woman deserves to enjoy her pregnancy and deliver her baby with joy and get a dignifying healthcare while at it.

According to Nguvu Collective OBV Survey report findings 2024, of the 189 total survivor respondents,  11% were women with disabilities.  73% called for the implementation enforcing policies to protect women with disabilities rights during childbirth.  These narratives , often silenced and overlooked now stands as  powerful testimonies demanding urgent action and reforms.

I have therefore started this petition calling on the Ministry of Health, The Office of The Ombudsman and The Office of The Governor of Nairobi County to direct that public hospitals in Nairobi County:

  1. Operationalise a toll free hotline where people who face discrimination on the basis of their disability can call and report.
  2. Set aside a special room for consultation for women with cerebral palsy.
  3. Run awareness programs targeting the various cadres of staff on patients with cerebral palsy.

Sign and share this petition to call for equal health rights for expectant mothers with cerebral palsy and all persons with disabilities.

Disclaimer: This article was originally shared by


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